Monday, April 28, 2008


This weekend we had 3 of Sean's friends sleep over on Saturday night for his birthday. Come to think of it one of them also slept over on Friday night. We are popular!

The kid on the left on the floor and the one in the green shirt are "the twins" (Nate and Eli although we can't tell the difference between them). We LOVE the twins because they clear the table, put things away and make beds. Of course they also move electronic equipment and have been known to disable our home network but its almost worth it for the free cleaning services. Peter couldn't find one of his sweatshirts and it turned up in the boys closet. We realized Sean had it in his room and one of the twins must have folded it up and put it away.

Sean is in the middle and to his right is his friend Alex. We love Alex too (even though he doesn't clean anything for us).

Melissa making pancakes for all the boys.

Peter giving a demonstration on why its not a good idea to fall asleep while your wife is awake (and bored).

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sweet Sixteen!!

Today is Sean's 16th Birthday. We went out for sushi last night and to celebrate this morning I made pancakes for breakfast (never happens on a school morning):

Here is a picture of the birthday boy and Harry eating said pancakes (the phrase "pose for a blog picture" doesn't go over very well before 7am)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Harry and I went out for sushi tonight. The mochi is served cut up with fruit with a chocolate dipping sauce. Are you supposed to drink the chocolate sauce with a straw?

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Friday, April 4, 2008

Early Morning

Harry had to leave for school at 6am today for a jazz festival: